Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Alpha Dim Screensaver

Alpha Dim site and download.

A few years ago, wasn't dead, and existed as a small offshoot of the techie community Ars Technica. I was browsing a handfull of half-finished apps and a nifty little screensaver caught my eye, Alpha Dim.

This simple screensaver causes your monitor to appear to dim after a specified time, theoretically making things easier on your monitor or LCD. It's as though the monitor automatically jacked down the brightness itself. You can also change the fade color, if you'd rather have your monitor fade to a dark green or hot pink instead of the default black. Here is an example of the screensaver in action. You'll notice my name emblazoned on the screen; you can also use an image file for the desktop to fade into instead of simply fading the screen into a selected color. Great for egotistical types like myself:

Free Image Hosting at

Why would you want this?
  • Pure class: This is an imitation of an old Mac screensaver, and much as one might dislike smarmy Mac users, the hardware and software often has class and elegance. Rather than having dancing 3D strippers or flashing lights careening about your screen, you'll have a simple understatment that says: "Hey, I'm better than you, your family, and your family goat."

  • Doesn't waste CPU time: Screensavers are time for your PC to rest and cool down. Most animated screensavers jack up your CPU, and often your graphics card, to maximum use while running. When a PC should be resting, it is often working as hard as it would to play the latest video game. A screensaver such as this uses no CPU time, allowing the interior of your PC to cool, and allows background processes such as defragmenting and virus scanning to continue. Dimming the screen also lets your monitor's power supply rest up a bit, potentially extending its life.

  • Wow neato factor: While this screensaver is running, any visual action on your desktop is still visible as it happens. You'll still be able to see that download meter progressing, or when that long copy operation is done.